Thursday, November 9, 2017

BRETT: Retrieved Reformation

Brett Oswald
English 9
Ms. Henderson
October 12, 2017
Reopening His Criminal Past

In O’Henry’s short story “A Retrieved Reformation,” Jimmy Valentine deserves to go free despite his criminal behavior because of his selfless act that saved a child. First, Jimmy Valentine reforms into an honest citizen. “At the end of the year a situation of Mr. Ralph D. Spencer was this: he had won the respect of the community, his shoe store was flourishing, and he and Annabel were engaged to be married in two weeks” (O’Henry 192). Falling in love and starting a legitimate business makes Jimmy Valentine commit to changing every aspect of his life. Despite his criminal past, Mr. Valentine has been reborn. He is now trustworthy and full of integrity. Later, Jimmy Valentine has redeemed himself and pledged to live a criminal free life. “She believes in me, and I wouldn’t do another crooked thing for the whole world. Be sure to be at Sully’s, for I must see you. I’ll bring along the tools with me” (O’Henry 193). Jimmy Valentine is passing his bank robbing tools on to an old friend. Without the tools, Jimmy Valentine cannot rob any more banks. He chooses to live a responsible, honest life. Lastly, Jimmy Valentine gave up his new life as Ralph D. Spencer to save a little girl trapped inside a safe. “With that act Ralph D. Spencer passed away, and Jimmy Valentine took his place…. He set his suitcase on the table and opened it out flat. In the deep silence and immovable, the others watched him as if under a spell” (O’Henry 195). Jimmy Valentine gives up on his happy, normal life. He has reopened his criminal past for everyone to see, so he could save a little girl. In “A Retrieved Reformation” a short story written by O’Henry, Jimmy Valentine changes from his criminal past and must not go back to prison because he saves a child’s life. 

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