Thursday, November 9, 2017


Rocelyn Rodriguez
English 9
Ms. Henderson
September 15, 2017
Unusual and uncommon
            In Scottish, my name is from the peninsula, but in Spanish my name comes out mellow. My name is like the number 5. It isn’t perfect, but it is decent. It is not the color purple, but not the color blue either. My name is like the crunching of fall leaves as you step on them.
My mother choose my name. She has always liked uncommon and unusual spelling for names. My mother tells me she decided my name she was watching TV one night and saw the name “Rocelyn” pop up. From that moment forward she admired that name. My mother decided to give me such an unusual name that nobody in the world had.
My name in Spanish comes out as if it was sliding down a slippery slide. Many people can’t spell it right cause there are millions of different spellings for it. My name forces me to be helpful to others. My name is the taste of candy, sweet but sometimes bitter, depending on how you say it. I wouldn’t change my name because it’s my own name. Not very many people have it. I am like the swan in a flock of ugly ducks.

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